by xquare



▶︎Hello, this is team Semicolon;XQUARE is an integrated service exclusively for Daedeok Software Meister High School, which was created by combining DMS, Daedongyeojido, and PiCK that have been used so far.▶︎ XQUARE was created with the following purpose.1. Build and distribute an open design system that can be shared in the form of a library.2. All services are developed with open source to open opportunities for XQUARE development to everyone.3. Combine all the services actually used by DSM to help you have a convenient school life with just one account.▶︎ XQUARE provides the following features.1. Todays meal, reward and penalty check function2. Weekly timetable and customizable academic calendar3. Notices from various clubs and anonymous communities4. Various applications for dormitory and school5. Todays self-study teacher, club support function, etc.